An asteroid has been spotted in the sky and it is headed towards us. It has been confirmed by our only scientist to be, "Hella huge!" and could wipe out all dinosaurs. Many dinosaurs interviewed seem unconvinced. Some believe it will miss our planet. Others welcome the extra light.

   Extra work will be needed to inform these dinosaurs about the serious impending threat. On a personal note, as a paperboy and amateur journalist, I feel it is my duty to prove to my fellow dinosaurs that we need to do something about the asteroid. I will use the power of the press to strike knowledge into the deniers and maybe we can solve this dangerous issue.

CONTROLS: Arrow Keys or WASD

MOBILE CONTROLS: Movement stick on bottom left of screen.


v.2.04: The stegosaurus has entered the arena and they've got an attitude.

v.2.03: Added movement animation to the T-Rex. No, I don't know how a T-Rex should walk. Some backend changes.

v.2.02: Added animation to when a dinosaur is totally informed. Also added a particle effect when the straight roll of newspaper tries to inform someone.

v.2.01: Added animation to the triceratops. More variety to the triceratops in what accessories they wear.

v.2.00: Added animation to the velociraptors and changed the look of the hit flash. More variety to the velociraptors in what accessories they wear.

From The Developer:
This game was originally submitted to Game Jam 2024. You can find that version of the game here:

This is project will be the post-jam version. I will try to add in some (hopefully) all the features I wanted to add, but couldn't within the game jam 10 day time limit. My hope is that this will be a good learning experience for myself. Some of the items I will try to add are:

  • More newspaper (weapon) types.
  • More variety in newspaper upgrades (throwing more boomerangs at once).
  • Have the boomerang not exclusively be thrown to the right.
  • More sponsors (permanent upgrades)
  • More dinosaur types (I only have two, the Velociraptor and Triceratops)
    • I wanted to have a towering Brachiosaurus.
    • Also the movements for the dinosaurs would vary so then they don't just clump up.
  • More variety in the clothes the dinosaurs wear.
  • Animations, even simple ones.
  • Variety in news sources.
    • I was considering a time traveler which offers lots of points.
  • In-run power ups.
  • Actually balance all the gameplay.
  • Design something so there's a reason to go explore.
  • Back-end stuff like factories and object pooling.
  • Find a way to optimize all the sprites on the screen so that it can handle more.
  • Save system.
  • Make my own spin on the Vampire Survivors-likes.

My plan is to work on the game here and there casually over the next few months.

Thanks for reading and trying out the game.

Updated 6 hours ago
Published 11 days ago
StatusIn development
TagsCasual, Funny, Roguelite, Singleplayer

Development log

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